Friday, October 31, 2008


I don't know if any of you have ever wondered why my address for my blog is For starters was taken. That's alright with me, Triban is very close to my heart. Triban is my online alias for Final Fantasy XI online. Those of you that know me, understand that I am a fairly avid gamer. I enjoy good old classic fighting games, I despise racing games because I can't keep a car on the track for the life of me. Asking me to win a racing game is like asking me to be a boy. It just can't be done without some sort of life altering surgery. I'll play any sort of action game you put in front of me, and I am actually very good at first person shooters. The one type of game however, that never fails to capture my interest, but captures the bulk part of my free time are MMORPGS. For those of you who are game Illiterate, thats simply online role playing games that consist of mass quantities of players. Most of the MMORPG players are WoW fans. I tried it, I just couldn't get into it too much. The questing continually turned me off. I want to explore the game and learn for myself, meet new people and have them be completely impressed by my nerd skills. I've been playing FFXI online since it hit the states. My charecter's name is Triban she's an elf of sorts and my main job of choice is a healer. White mage was just my first job to cap level. After white mage, bard, warrior, red mage, and black mage quickly followed suit. I started out on Alexander server with my brothers. They quickly grew bored and quit the online game scene, but I was hooked, and stuck with it until I found myself in and out of endgame link shells (guilds) killing the top monsters in the game and feeling quite distinguished. The first link shell I ran with was called Absolute Genocide, their leader was a complete power hungry jerk, but a good leader none the less. I made close friends like bcbsephiroth (whom I had previously known) and slaine. Slaine was from England and the moment I heard him talking on ventrillo I promptly started dragging him aside making him talk to me for hours just so I could hear him pronounce in-game terms and laugh. We became very close friends. AG decided to move servers to Caitsith and I followed suit. I didn't stay with them long on Cait, but broke off with BCB to reform a linkshell called Echelon. I will tell you that I learned from being a linkshell leader exactly how greedy and lazy people really are. After echelon I joined up with a linkshell called the Unity. There I met my best friend Obiwan. A little taru with pretty much every job you can think of at 75. A true sweet heart in every since of the word. We're an undefeated duo now. We plan to duo every strong mob possible just to showcase all the work we've put into these characters. I can't put my finger on it but there is a real since of pride that comes along to being able to do the things that we accomplish. Sure it's a short lived rush, and it only impresses people that play the game, but it makes it no less gratifying to have bragging rights about anything. I also get a since of pride out of being a female that is actually good at things like this. Sure there are female gamers, but I actually play the game correctly, while taking care of myself in real life. This probably isn't a commendable since of pride, but I get enjoyment out of it one way or another, no matter what anyone thinks. Perhaps I'll take another day to tell you all a little more about the inner workings this addiction to gaming plays in my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What? No mention of Az??

I'm HQ, baby!
