Monday, October 27, 2008


The search continues. We have no leads. The elusive "perfect job" still evades us. Every time we think we're on the trail, it disappears out of reach around the corner of a dark alley. Every time (although, I will have to admit, so far the time's have been few and far between) I find a job listing that seems like it's going to bowl a strike right up my alley I'm met with the dreaded "Qualifications" section. I'm just a simple girl living in a small town that attended a private school and a private college, lets face it, I might have well lived under the metaphorical rock that everyone crawls under to die. I am the main stay at the "sheltered life." I have a piece of paper and a very large student loan statement that prove I have a bachelors degree in English. I did some editing for an insurance coding manual and I ran a coffee shop. I have random poetry published in very small publications of absolutely no consequence. I guess my only qualification is that I have 26 years experience as an average Christian, Right wing, Caucasian, Southern girl. So I guess that really boils down to 26 years as social Enemy #2. Number one being a Christian, Right wing, Caucasian, Southern male. I have to be completely honest, it is highly disheartening to know that that my degree is worthless unless I had worked for free as an intern for 4-5 years of my life. No one told me this was required to make my BA valid in the working world. Where were you on that one Dr. Hood? Even if I have the ability to take on 90% of these jobs, I will never convince an employer that without 3 years of free work on my resume. I could get a minimum wage jobs serving coffee any day of the week, but let's face it. I did not decide to live in debt to get a BA to ask you if you want cream and sugar in your coffee.

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