Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Internet: The uninformational highway

As some of you are already aware, we sold the coffee shop and I am currently looking for a job. I have a BA in English, I love to think, I love to write, and I'll do pretty much anything by way of work that involves some sort of mildly engaging writing, I try not to be picky. Every day I try the old fashioned way of job hunting and pick up the classifieds in the Gaston Gazette, some days I even go a little crazy and get a copy of the free print "Job Finder" publication. I guess my right to complain about Job Finder is limited since it is a free publication, however, Gaston Gazette requires money to receive so just take what I say about it, and apply it accordingly to the Job Finder publication with a teaspoon less spite. If I was looking for a job as a truck driver, I would be in heaven. 80% of all adds around NC are for truck drivers. I don't even enjoy driving my little 2-door car much less some megalith on wheels. What irritates me even more is in the Job listings they often have two or three adds for monster.com; I have to give this website a .5 out of 10 on the useful scale, because that's about how many of their job postings are legitimate jobs. Same thing for Craig's List jobs, look through the job postings one day, go back in about 3 days, and all the job's you looked at have been flagged as scams and are to be deleted. The same thing can be said for pretty much any job search website you attend. Ladder's claims to weed out all the scam jobs, but they also charge an arm and a leg for a monthly membership which any unemployed person can afford. Because when your unemployed what you are spending the money you're living off of on is of course, subscriptions to job search sites that may, or may not work. I realize a website such as that has to have a source of income, but for some reason it all just seems a little sketchy to me. I have been tainted by the system, forever doomed to be skeptical of every post I read that originates from the internet. The system has been abused for gain and good ideas turned useless by nothing more than essentially what I would consider internet based sales calls. Where's the do not post registry for websites? As the information age wares on, I find it more and more difficult to obtain information. However, you can find junk by the trash bin full. Any one else out there having this problem?

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