Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Writers Block

I hate writers block. I know at some point in time I will be standing around making a latte or getting ready for bed and it will all come rushing in my head like some sort of literary deluge, but as of right now I wish it would just come at a steady pace. I thought I had my short story all figured out until I actually started writing it. Then as I wrote the characters decided to take on lives of their own and lead the ending in a different direction then I had originally intended for the story. Even more characters appeared than I had originally planned for in the beginning. Now my head is spinning. Just how far do I want to go with this story and do I want to take it left or right, straight or crooked. It's turning out much more complicated than I expected, and the writing I don't believe is up to my normal standard, but that can be fixed. I know it will require a lot of editing, probably more than I bargained for. I've learned however not to push these things, but I am growing horribly impatient with the whole thing. I want it done with and out of my head. I want it on paper in front of me. It's like nothing I can really explain, being stuck in the middle of a story. Its like needing to scratch a creative itch you can't reach.
With the way I am, this writer's block could clear up at anytime, be it tomorrow, or next month I never know. It always tends to pick the later dates. I guess I shouldn't gripe at myself too much because I have never attempted to write a story of this sort, so I am defiantly treading new grounds, turning unread pages, cracking open a whole new series! That's how it feels to me anyway. There is three total possibilities. I thought I had one chosen but the story seems to be flowing in a different direction. "Just change directions back" you say, well it's not all that simple. Stories seem to take on a life all their own and if you try to change them as you go they end up sounding just how they were written, forced. They read badly, choppy and there's often incongruities from where the writer was pushing the story one way and it was developing another way. Its like trying to make one of those banzai trees grow straight, you can make it, but it looks funny. Maybe I will figure it out. They all seem like good ways to go. Some will take more development than others but, what else can I do but wait?

1 comment:

Wesley Chambers said...

your on the right track, dont over think it! All things we put our love and passion into become more than they seemed at the start, in the end if you keep true to yourself everything will fall into place, though it may not be the place you had in mind.