Saturday, July 19, 2008

I put the "U" in "Ugh.."

So I just met the biggest dick I've been privy to seeing walking upright on two legs. My day started with a slap in the face and after my morning coffee it was followed up by a rousing round of abuse the lower life form ameba-ing around behind the counter until it fixes us something our god-like pallets may enjoy as an offering of homage to our complete superiority. I can't say that I am not left in a daze of amazement at their passing. I'd like to say it was a simple matter, and after working here it was just one of those things you brush off and keep going. I'd like to say he suffered a 'wrong place wrong time' event with me but as much as I would have liked to sailed over the counter and punched him in the face, tied him to a chair and educated him, he simply got his coffee and walked out the door with no repercussions. So, down to the situation at hand. A Man, a woman and another man come in, talking. One man orders, offering to pay for the other mans order, whom politely declines. He orders only a large Coffee. "That will be $1.91" I say as I hand him is cup. He looks indignant "I can get coffee cheaper at the airport!" he starts at me. Ok, break in the story here. I've heard this "I can get that cheaper..." so many times its ridiculous, the funny part of that comment being no, you can't. Unless you would like to go to the local Times Turn Around gas station and grab some rank coffee that's thicker than yohoo, no you cannot get coffee this quality, this fresh cheaper. Is Starbucks cheaper? Maybe a few pennys, but our cups are bigger, so no, not really. This guys attitude kind of irritated me. Let me inform you about something, we charge what we have to charge, actually we charge under what we NEED to charge. We've been struggling to make enough just to pay the paychecks for years now. We make a few cents on a latte and almost nothing on a cup of coffee. We arn't a chain, it costs a lot for us to stay open. On top of that we are specialty, we order our coffee's from South America, India, Africa. Look at gas, the shipping on 100's of lbs of coffee isn't exactly the cheapest thing. So I open my mouth and say "Well the airport doesn't roast their coffee fresh like we do. See that big sack up there that's what we get our coffee shipped to us in before I blend and roast it, it costs ab---" He looks at me, turns around and starts talking to the people he came with, talking loud as to talk over me. He completely dismissed me as even talking. No I wasn't saying anything I wasn't speaking before you. I'm sorry I forgot to schedule an audience with the King. After he has sufficiently ignored me, his wife come up and says "I'd like to add a coke to that." She looks back at him hoping he'll come pay the difference, then looks to me when he ignores her too, mumbles and shrugs and starts digging out change from her pockets. This guy is another one of 'those' I've met them before in my life. The type that thinks women are on the earth to serve them and deserve no attention or thought beyond what we can do to help them. He proceeded after receiving his cup to ask why I didn't fill it up for him. I pointed to the coffee containers he was standing in front of and curtly responded "do it yourself." His wife and his friend looked very embarrassed. When his male friend ordered he was very polite and apologetic. I was hot, it cooled me off a little, but this one's going to take a while. So next time you think of being a dick to the person that's working behind the counter, make sure they are smaller than you, because we have a lot of pent up aggression.

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