Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Spam, The Digital Treat!

That's one step forward. I posted one resume on we'll see if I get any replies besides the pervasive digital insect called spam. Spam used to be a good word, An affordable tasty treat. A delicacy of pork and ham that becomes a savory meal when fried up in a pan and stuck between two buns. Now when someone mentions spam the first thing that comes to my mind is "I better throw out my junk mail email address so my actual address doesn't get over taken by spam mail." Now that I think about it, that junk mail address resembles my real life mailbox more and more every day. No. I don't want another credit card thank you. I'm flattered you pre-approved me even though you couldn't care less even if I was spending my limit on every card and promptly declaring bankruptcy, I still feel so special inside that it tingles a little, however, I'll have to pass.
Out of idle curiosity my mind begins to wonder. Do spam companies receive a lot of spam emails? Do they spam other spam companies? And on the topic of e-mail. Who writes all these useless chain e-mails. Why is it that people fall for them and continue to forward them? I have a question to you forward frenzied fellows, has your true love ever called you within the midnight hour of your fanatic forwarding? Has your mother suffered a malicious moment against her when you didn't quite make the quota of forwards? Perhaps there really is a gypsy most adept at digitally transmitted curses (DTC) who writes these e-mails about poor little Sally who needs a kidney, and her family that tearfully requests your assistance in making it known through the digital highway, threatening your love life like the Russian mafia if you fail to comply.

An Ode' To Spam

Since Childhood there's been Spam,
That tasty little square of ham.
Its been eaten around the globe,
With tea at the Hoover Dam,
With a gun in Vietnam.
It's been eaten by many folks'
College students between exams,
Even criminals on the lamb.
It's been eaten many ways,
My cousin prefers to dine with jam
But, perhaps you would like a side of yams.
Next time you have the chance,
To eat some spam anywhere, anytime, anyhow
Always remember your manners and say,
"Why yes, I'll have some, thank you Mam."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it! now Ill be humming a new spam song while I mow the grass!