Saturday, April 12, 2008


Saturday night. The night to rest and relax. It seems like the restful nights are always the buisyest for my mind, too many things to think about and to reflect on. I also usually write during the day. Writing at night when I've been half asleep all day is an all around new and challenging experience for me. I have to say it is a little more difficult because it is a little more difficult to keep my emotional filters in tact at this hour. My life of late has been nothing but a bombardment of changes for bad, for good, and for everything in between. I think I need to find a bomb shelter for a while until everything blows over. Perhaps eventually I will emerge from my bomb shelter cocoon a beautiful and unique butterfly..although that prospect seems highly doubtful. This period of my life seems to be full of changes, but only full of the changes I don't think I want, and the changes I look forward to seem to drift farther and farther out of my reach, but isn't that the way it always seems to happen. Life does not operate on the same time line we think it should. I am still unsure if we should force change in our own lives or if it is one of those phenomenon much like puberty that we should simply sit back and wait for. It seems to have the same awkward effects on us no matter how old we get. I'm proud of myself for even getting this much out, I think I'll go catch up with my friends after I fulfill my obsessive need to make sure everything is set and ready for tomorrow morning first.

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