Friday, May 18, 2007

Vacation time?

Its almost vacation time. I just have to keep reminding myself of that. Just one more week and it will all start comming back together. This week too at least I get a little time to myself seeing as both my parents are out of town for once in their lives. If you knew my family you would know how rare an occassion that is. I've wonderd what it would be like to have a week at home to myself with no work or no one else around. I'm pretty sure I'd just drownd myself in sleep and video games. Sounds like an awsome time to me tho, I know what your thinking, I'm such an amazing dork, but yes, thats true and I'm completely proud of it. I am the beginning legacy of the cyber generations. I'm afraid that in the terms of being a hard core gamer, I even beat my boyfriend out on that front. Heavy metal, video games, and camoflauge. I must have been a very confused child. Between my extra glossy lip gloss, make up sparkles and high heels and my love of gmaes, peircings and everything hard core, I often confuse myself. Oh, I know its a little off topic, but one of my employees was updating me the other day on one of our frequenting looneytunes. He has since switched religions and now believes there is a god asleep under the ocean who will soon be awakend and eat all of us whom are non believers. Things like this, make me feel a little less strange and little more normal, alright.... a lot more normal. Don't you wish you had my job? Well for a price it could be yours and you could experiance this day to day enlightenment about distant worlds and newly discoverd dietys which are apparently, very hungry. As my mother and I were discussing this theological revelation at home, my father, as sinsitive a man as he is, walks up and comments "those are exactly the kind of people who flip out and one day come into the shop with a gun and kill you all if you don't follow his god." I'd just like to take the time to say, thanks Dad, you always know exactly what [not] to say.

Back on to some things a little more sensible and a little less frightning. I've been looking for a good fps game, but theres been a real lack in productions of those recently, that I know of. If you have any suggestions about a good online FPS for this little gamer girl let me know, I'm in need of its fragtastic goodness. I have a dream of one day being married and living in a decent house, with at least one extra room in which I can set up my dream. A LAN party room. Thats right, no you can't have my number or address you will just have to worship from afar unless you prove yourself good enough to LAN with us. Two godly computers in the center of the room, three monitors atleast, my beast Odin on one side, my sexy gaming lovers computer on the other, tables and plug ins all aorund the room, a T1 and wireless networking. A frige for those ice cold refreshments needed after many hours of exhausting gaming goodness. Ahhhhhh I sleep to dream......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

blargh i was typing out a comment and i got side tracked..and..i dunno what happened..anyway! basically!! crysis will be a good one when its out..if you gawt vista...i still gawt a year till i get any vacation :( annnnnd....umm..about your 'dork-ness''re a rare breed and its good to know you're proud..because you are highly valued! weee! :) s'why i loved ya so!
