Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Health Care Reform for the low low cost of 2.99 Just pay shipping and handling plus tax.

I am, extraordinarily tired today. Actually I have been the past few days. I partially wanted to write something very creative, but upon attempting to engage my brain I have found my gear shift is still sleeping. I think that my body indiscriminately shuts down parts of my brain to conserve energy. You would think it would choose some body functions like slowing down my metabolism, but no it goes straight for my cognitive faculty. Heaven knows I use it more than my body. I've been trying to read some news story about the millions of dollars Obama is planning to spend on *advertising* for the health care reform bill. I don't know if it is my fatigue or the sheer irony and idiocy of the whole idea that is preventing my mind from analyzing the idea. I will lean in favor of the latter. I think I may have issues with the government *advertising* any bill. I mean it's a reform bill not a Swiffer. I don't thing citizens should have to be persuaded and sold on bills. If you used your reasoning abilities and your hearing abilities at the same time perhaps you could come up with a reform bill that did not need "selling." On that topic, I don't agree with all the money spent on presidential campaigns either. When in debt, do as the Americans do and keep spending.
It will be interesting to watch everything play itself out in the history of our nation, now note I did not say it will be fun, just interesting.

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