Monday, May 18, 2009

Work Work Work

I'm pretty sure that work is the cosmic punishment of humans for being generally bad. Go to school, finish school, go to college, finish collage with a debt larger than Texas with a degree that you hope will slam dunk that 25+ an hour job for you. I mean with your awesome bachelors degree that proves you are a genius of sorts guarantees you a job, right? Oh, world! Oh, providence! Oh fate! How I wish such folk tales were true. I spent the first forth of my life (well it could be half of my life or more for all I know) In private schools and a private college. My education was great, I came out of the system feeling far superior and nerd-like, sure beyond all rationality that it would be easy to find a job to accommodate my BA in English. I mean really, who wouldn't want to hire an English Major with grades like mine, who went to challenging schools and took challenging classes their entire awkwardly-teenage-developing years of their life?
Well... I suppose we all have our dreams and misconceptions about life and the way it works, mine was just a little bit bigger than most peoples. Don't blame me for that, I blame the spirit of a writer, we are by trade much more grandiose thinkers. From teacher, to editor, to coffee shop owner, to freelance writer, to chemical company whipping girl the journey of my life's "career" paths have been uneventful, boring, and painfully under paid. Of course I'm making it sound better than it was. Editor, for a dentist, writing a insurance coding manual (fun like a root canal), free lance "writer", for a very short period of time, transcribing and writing, and in general salvaging work place tips and tricks for another dentist. Please, no autographs.
Just a thought.

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