Monday, May 19, 2008

In the beginning...

Hello Monday!
Why is the beginning of the week so loathsome? I'll attempt to stray from my normal pessimistic slightly acidic tongue for at least one post and discuss something along the lines of neutrality. Today has been interesting so far, although it's a little early to tell. A "location scout" just stopped by for a second time to speak with our owner about filming an ad/barista training video in our shop over the weekend, hopefully if all works out that will be a entertaining event for us, in my moment of insanity I offered to work and show them how to work the equipment.

Actual events aside, I've been debating what my next writing projects should be. Another poem? A short story? A stretch of my imagination? perhaps a serious essay (this was always my cup of tea through college). I've been reading the lesser known sci-fi trilogy from C.S. Lewis lately, and it has me wanting to test out the limits of my imagination. After those comments I made about Moodswing you may have been left wondering exactly what sort of writers I do respect. Well C.S. Lewis is one of them, he is an outstanding writer. Alexander Pope, Sir Philip Sydney, F. Scott Fitzgerald, even Ernest Hemingway, all of these names are worthy of the term "writer" and people I hold in high regard. You may noticed none of these are very current names. American Lit, and Modern lit have never really been to my liking. I will say that I have read a lot of American, and Modern Lit and while it is not my choice of reading for my own enjoyment I have read some rather good writers on a simple basis of skill level. The topics, the style, the symbols, the emptiness and the despair that seems to pervade modern works is understood by me, and reflects, as all literature does, the philosophy of it's time; but it simply does not appeal to my taste. Living everyday in this mindset lends me to the desire to pick up a book that is a little more idealistic, written in past times when people were well spoken, well read, well educated, and not so depressed. That may come as a bit of a surprise to you given the way I write and speak. If you'd like to see some bit of extraordinarily clever writing pick up Alexander Pope's "The Rape of the Lock" a satirical epic poem that will have literature geeks like me laughing until you cry.

It's been a pretty slow day at the shop. I'm grateful for it. I scheduled myself only half a week and I'm very excited for it. I'm getting out of town for a little while, I am looking forward to it tho I wish more of my friends were going with me. This year has completely turned my life upside down and I don't believe the changes are even halfway over yet. They have been painful and they have been a long time coming. The changes have also been good, and as they pass the days ahead look brighter to me. Lat, thanks for the bawls you sent me, I needed them, and I used them, you and everyone else like Obi and Jeremy supported me through all these changes and I appreciate and love all of you. Net support, and real life support, I couldn't have done these things to better my life without any of you. I have other friends as well who always have my back, Susie, Dee, my mom, my brothers. You all play a major role in my life, and I thrive on your love and support.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While it still sounds like things are a bit troubled, they might be starting to plateau a bit. You are a wonderfully unique and supassingly kind woman that deserves the best from life, and I hope that whatever that may be is yours.

I am glad if any of my ramblings or support have helped though Im not sure how lol, it makes me happy to think I could make you feel better.

As for your next project, Im hopin for a short story myself but whatever it is I cant wait to read it!