Friday, April 13, 2007

As good a time....

As good a time as any to post is during the dead times at work. Though I have to say I suffer from the same problems my mother does (who i seem to have inherited my need to write from). Getting interrupted during the middle of a thought while writing can be a bit on the irritating side.

It has been one of those times in my life, well actually it has been for a long time ever since I started working for my family. I know more people can relate to this than we often think. Just those times where your so absorbed in the daily grind that between fatigue and work you just can't eek out the time to shake the cobwebs out of you head and see things fresh again. Its just kind of like drifting along on a lazy river, too pacified to move, uncomfortable, but not enough to make you start paddling. I'm willing to bet that's the case for most people these days.

I'm in the process of looking for an apartment for myself, and as it turns out, a roommate because apparently you cannot afford anything without splitting it between people, especially when you still have college loans still hanging over your head, and still trying to get the money to have some health insurance for yourself. Apparently living 'comfortably' now requires multiple jobs so that you can pay for all your basic needs/wants. Funny thing about that being, if I picked up a part time job as well as working my full time job I would probably never be at my apartment to enjoy it. Gotta love the way things like that work. I have half a mind to just continue building my debt and get another loan for grad school and live on campus for the next four years. I'm pretty convinced that average American makes more in debt than they do in wages.

Probably not the best time for me to be blogging. I can't seem to get away from all those little things that love to pop their head up though the day that continue to push me to the mood of irritated. Like the fact that I cannot understand even when saving and cutting back we can never seem to make enough money to make orders for our shop. How can you sell a product until your out, make a profit off that product then not be able to turn around and re-order that product. Besides the obvious fact that the government loves to make it damn hard for small business owners to survive. For those of you that think people that own their own business are rich. Chances are no. They are probably more poor than you and would be much better off picking up trash for a garbage co. (I hear that pays well.....)

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