Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Slow days and Jazz music

It's another slow day. Inevitably when your muttering silent prayers for the day to pass fast, those unseen little hope-smashers weasle their way into your throughts and throw a few spike strips under the speeding bus that is time. Clocks are akin to boiling water, the more you look at them the slower they are to reach the desired goal. The remedy? Find something you actually want to do. Then the bus will start barreling down hill at ungodly speeds. Funny how all of that works. Something common to every one's life experience is that when you are a child and you get an hour to spend at your friends house, that is the equivalent of a whole grown-up day. I'm assuming at this rate of time deminishment (I know... that is not a word) when I arrive at 80, it will take me around 1.3 hours to pour myself a glass of tea. The place where time stands still? It is located down the road on the left exactly five minuets until you get off work. Scientists want to figure out how we can live longer/forever? Well I'm pretty sure it has to have something to do with those times. Perhaps if we could somehow harness all those moments into a syrup to drink we would live at least another 80 years. It is all very Alice in Wonderland.

Sometimes I reach a point where I feel like I need something challenging to do. Everyday work has an especially good knack for putting my mind into a comatose state. Thinking and imagining slowly becomes more and more difficult to do. It's like trying to get up in the morning with no coffee left in the world. It simply seems unimaginable. If you are not a coffee drinker and cannot identify with my addiction, simply insert your drug of choice, we all have one, don't pretend like you don't. I don't mean that I need a book to read or some sort of busy work to fill my time. That really does not help in the least, it usually makes matters work. I need something creative to do or a new and involving task to learn. Something that is a little harder than my current skill set, something that will raise the bar just a little bit above what I am comfortable with. The first time I fail at it I will hate it, the second time I'll be ready to quit, but when I finally get it right it all feels worth the struggle in the end.

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