Friday, September 4, 2009

Van Jones + Al Sharpton = Love and Rev. Wright is performing the wedding.

You've heard enough of it, but here is my take on it anyway. We've all heard by now that Van Jones is in trouble for referring to all conservatives as "a**holes." First off, great come back. I'm glad we have someone of such sharp wit in office as our "Green Job's Adviser." That is quite the display of intellectual prowess. A lot of things ran through my mind while reading this article of quotes from Van Jones, one of the first ones being, we have Al Sharpton #2 on our hands and they some how managed to both get positions in our government on no merit of experience. Correct me if I am wrong but in no way has Al Sharpton ever been associated with having experience in our school systems. The cynical side of me that believes people are innately ignorant and self serving tells me that these two were probably hired on for one reason, and one reason alone. I will let you figure out what reason that is.
Before you get your Hane's in a wad, let me fill you in on exactly what I think about this whole "racism" thing. I believe that all people have the same base value, because we are all creations of the same God, who loves us equally. When you start putting value on people through measurements of "success" and "intelligence" as we see it, is when things become uneven. We are all born on equal footing, with inalienable rights, all of equal value and all deserving of equal respect. To live in equality means that everyone is due these rights, and basic respect for the mere fact they were born into the human race and loved by the same God. If you would like to know what our basic rights and freedoms are, please pull out your constitution and start reading. The thing that is farthest from the meaning of equality is to treat a sect of group of people better, or worse than another. Notice I said better or worse. For some reason we have gotten it drilled into our heads that racism is only classified as treating someone badly, but that is not the truth. To praise and give a group unwarranted gifts, rights, or anything else, is just as much a form of racism as the KKK was. I know the first thing out of some mouths will be: "Well in the case of African Americans they deserve to be treated better than European Americans now, because in the past, they were slave, and master." I am not going to tell you all forms of slavery is right. It isn't. The buying and selling of human beings in any form is morally corrupt. Many young girls in countries all over the world, including our own, are still victim to this sort of slavery. But if you want to start atoning for every wrong that occurred in the world, lets start with the Jews and work our way up the ladder. The Jews have been in and out of slavery all of their lives, and it has not a red cent to do with the color they were born.
On to what began all of this.

"He (Van Jones) also has consistently leaned on racially charged language, pointing the finger at "white polluters and the white environmentalists" for "steering poison" to minority communities, as he makes the case for lifting up low-income and minority communities with better environmental policy."

He is not only pointing fingers at "white" people, but is blaming us for things that would generally require super natural abilities to do. If you honestly think that the white race is setting up huge fans to blow pollution into the Black communities, then you've got a problem. It is general knowledge and a fact that I thought most people aware of, that inner cities consist of largely black communities it seems to be there they choose to live. I'm unsure as to why, but I am also sure that we in no way roped off the inner cities and said hey please move here. Pollution if higher, is naturally going to be high in these more populated, industrial areas. I'm sorry that you are choosing to live there, but I know you will blame that somehow on the white folk and our uncanny ability to make the housing market plummet when we leave and rise where we live. And the Co2 Emissions that concern the government are in no way associated with the ever popular 'caddies' and sweet rimmed SUV's.

"He (Van Jones) also co-founded Color of Change, an advocacy group that focuses on black issues, after Hurricane Katrina in 2005."

That's all good and well, but you know we would be called racist for any white advocacy group created.

"Originally from Tennessee, Jones graduated from Yale Law School in 1993. But his life took a turn after he was swept up in arrests during a rally following the Rodney King verdict. Jones has claimed he was monitoring police activity at the time, but that he met people in jail who changed his thinking. "I met all these young radical people of color -- I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was like, 'This is what I need to be a part of,'" he said in a 2005 interview with the East Bay Express. Jones told the newspaper he stayed in San Francisco, and for the next 10 years worked with a lot of the people he met in jail. Months after the King verdict came down, Jones said, "I was a communist.At the time he became involved with a group called Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM), which described itself as committed to Marxist and Leninist ideas. He also started putting pressure on police in San Francisco, monitoring and drawing attention to allegations of police brutality. He was quoted accusing the police department of "killing black people."

Ok, now, this doesn't speak well for him in more ways than one. The fact that the most influential people in your life were people that you met while incarcerated is questionable. The fact that you blatantly and openly admit to being a communist is also not a good thing. Does Obama run any background checks on these people or is he looking specifically for "Racist, communist" on resumes? What goes through his head when appointing these people to office? Al Sharpton made his fame on being a black supremacist. So the only logical thing to do is to appoint this man into a position in our government. He is surely going to make non bias decisions for the good of ALL American's despite their skin color. Van Jones is going to help him with his uncanny wit and amazing charisma. If there was ever a person with amazing charisma that all Americans were sure to love and help, it must be Van Jones. Does anyone think before they act? We don't need black racists in the government to make us a nation of equality. We need people of great integrity, who possess respect and kindness for all human life. We need people who put the good of the many above the good of the few. We need color blind leaders with hearts too big to fill their chests.

As an aside, criticize me for citing fox if you like, but I am not so naive to think that all news stations broadcast the truth with no slant. I have my own mind about things, but there's only so much arguing you can do about a conservative slant on direct quotes from the man.


Unknown said...

You said it much much much better than I could have.

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