Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I got my anger at the ANGER store.

Some of you may be interested to know just exactly what the response is to dissenters of Obama's health care plan. I was asking people just the other day, in regards to how much opposition the government has been meeting about socializing health care, "what do you think the response is going to be to all of these protesters?" I was met more often than not with the response, "Ignore them and pass it anyway." This morning as I was browsing through the news on different sites, it came to my attention that my question is no longer unanswered, I got an answer and it was even more infuriating than being ignored. Below are some snippets from the article, in no way did I copy and paste these in a way to make what was said to look more or less bad, it is simply naturally that way. I will post a link at the bottom of the page to the full article if anyone would like to read it.
"In fact, I think you've had groups today, Conservatives for Patients Rights, that have bragged about organizing and manufacturing that anger," White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said.
I want to point out something about this statement. At first glace you think he is stating a fact. That he has seen or heard somewhere that there is a devilish group out there bragging about their conservitive exploits against the left wing. On closer inspection you see that he began his statement with "In fact, I THINK..." Stating that you THINK something may be the case, does not mean it is a fact of truth, it simply means you happen to believe it may possibly be the case, but he prefaces the statement with "in fact" both parts of this statement cannot be true. So which is it Mr. Gibbs? Get your facts together and seperate them from your own thoughts and opinions on the matter before attacking the right wing demons, or we may send our minions out in an orginized and manufactured way.
"This mob ... did not come just to be heard, but to deny others the right to be heard. And this appears to be part of a coordinated, nationwide effort," Doggett said in a statement. "What could be more appropriate for the 'party of not' than having its stalwarts drowning out the voices of their neighbors by screaming 'Just say no!'"
In this quote it bothers me that we are described as a "mob" because people were chanting "just say no" to the heath care reform bill. I was unaware that the definition of mob has shifted from "a crowd bent on engaging in lawless violence, or a disorderly or riotous crowd of people." To, "Right wing Conservatives practicing their rights and showing their deep seeded concern about a bill that is in the process of being passed against the wishes of the people by holding signs and chanting or at most 'yelling.' " Oh my word, they may have also possibly drowned out the cries of a left wing liberal. That's it, to the guillotine and off with their heads! We all know that when one liberal speaks in a sea of Conservatives silence is expected. It has been my experience through the media and life that Conservatives are not the loud ones, liberals are the first to cry wolf. Conservatives do not speak up until pushed to breaking, then we are a force to be reckoned with.
The Democratic National Committee has dismissed the protests as "mob rule."
What?! there is an organized committee of democrats? I thought only right wing Conservatives were organized... wait a minuet.... I smell hypocrisy.
"The Republicans and their allied groups desperate after losing two consecutive elections and every major policy fight on Capitol Hill ... are inciting angry mobs of a small number of rabid right wing extremists funded by K Street Lobbyists to disrupt thoughtful discussions about the future of health care in America taking place in Congressional Districts across the country," DNC spokesman Brad Woodhouse said in a statement.
......are inciting angry mobs of a small number of rabid right wing extremists funded by K Street Lobbyists to disrupt thoughtful discussions about the future of health care in America. As a writer and a foaming rabid right wing extremist I take the greatest offence at the words of Brad Woodhouse. He is associating all Conservatives that do not agree with this 1000+ page health care reform bill that 99% of Washington as not read (yet are highly thoughtful about what this bill could possibly contain!) with extreme squirrels infected with rabies. While the insightful democrats who think all Americans making less than .50 on every dollar they work their fingers to the bone for so that illegal immigrants and the unemployed can have health coverage while our elderly get turned away at every medical facility is a good idea. Well then Mr. Woodhouse I am a squirrel and if you continue to try and take my nuts, I will do what all rabid animals do, and bite back.

Linky Linky -

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Triban said...
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