Monday, July 27, 2009

People are made of bugs and goo.

As I was looking through my older posts it occurs to me that my thoughts were much more interesting when I was working at the coffee shop. Now it seems I just continue to beat a dead horse subject wise. I guess none of that really matters so long as I am only writing for myself.
The last week or so has been pretty rough and trying for my nerves. You know how when one thing goes wrong a hundred other problems follow suit, like gnats to an open mouth. I don't know why things always happen that way, but I know everyone experiences it. Unfortunately when things like that happen one after another it often causes me to blow things out of proportion as well. I will say, however, that I have noticed a large change in myself over the last couple years in how I handle things like that. I don't know yet if its a good change or a bad one. If your on the outside of me it's probably going to be classified as good, and probably bad for myself. I heave learned to just keep my mouth shut until things slowly fade away. In the wake of every day life problems eventually reach their expiration date, and either sour and become more rank then they were in the beginning or get thrown out all together.

I am happy to report that the lives of 99% of my friends are going very well and while the nice half of me is very happy for them, the selfish half of me wants to trip them all next time they are around, because misery loves company correct? But you know I would never do anything like that. Really, I'm a pretty cynical person, but I am genuinely pretty nice to others. I know a lot of you are laughing at me right now if any of you read my blog. I think the thing that triggered this change in some ways was working in customer service, just because of the "people skills" you are made to develop. What they don't tell you is what "people skills" boils down to. These skills are basically the ability to make your voice and face seem unbearably happy even when you feel like pole vaulting over a desk and delivering a beat down to someone the likes of the UFC have never seen. If that is a good quality to have or not.... is debatable. Even if you don't want it to, it inevitably spills over into your personal life. Ever wonder why people who commit such heinous crimes can do so with such a stoic look on their faces? well.. blame Mc. Donalds or Wal-Mart or any customer service job that has taught us the ability to show the face of joy while in the grips of the most idiotic, self serving people ever encountered. Really if you've never worked in costumer service you have deprived yourself of coming to terms with what the general public really consists of. I tell you "made of awesome" is not how I would describe it.


Wesley Chambers said...

*evil grin* tee hee I understand just what your at, and while in my exp, I learned a bit different, while I may put on that smile to your face, its just to give me another moment to plot my next move~ my voice will be heard, warranted or not! while this might not be the best move it puts me in my "happy place" as Ive said my piece, NO REGRETS! YAR!!

Triban said...

Ohhhhh wes, what the world would experience if we were to ever let go! The pillage... the plunder..... AHOY!