Monday, September 29, 2008

As the chapter closes..

It's been an adventure. It's been a growing experience. It's been a pain. It's been a joy. I won't say that I will miss it. I will say that I have never regretted it. When it is time to say goodbye, it's not the building or the coffee I will miss the most. There are customers I will defiantly miss, and oddly enough it turns out to be the ones that gave me the most grief sometimes, like Michael Aiken. Michael you may be crazy, certifiably so, but you have one of the kindest, and gentlest hearts, you always took care of your Well House girls Michael! From the leaky ceiling to the holes in the floor this place was a blessing and a curse. I remember what it looked like before we turned it into what it is now. I remember the long days putting up drywall. sanding, taping, and puttying, and how much my shoulders ached. I remember testing each green bean after we roasted it to put them together into our infamous "Well House Blend." "Farmer's Market" blend is still my favorite, and the "Tasty Jamz" espresso... mmmm. Before I worked here, I was a kid with no experience. I leave here a lady, a balanced person with more patience and understanding than I ever thought I would come to achieve in my life. Any of you who knew me or worked with me when I first started, can attest to the fact I am a much more patient person now than I was. I leave with an addiction to caffeine, and a full heart with new friends and memories of laughter that over flow my soul. I may have been your "boss," I may have aggravated you or made you wish you had a boss who was a little more experienced, but I want you all to know I loved each and every one of you, and I always did my best when scheduling or anything else to think about your sleep, your work, your lives, and make it as easy on you as possible. I don't believe work is something that needs to feel miserable every day you go. I hope that all of you learned something from being with us, I hope all of you felt cared for, and I hope that when you look back on the Well House that it was a stepping stone in your life to achieve the goals God has set out for you. With that being said....

Megan - I love you Megan! I enjoyed getting to know you. I enjoyed our Saturday breakfast. I missed you so much when you left!! Keep texting me, keep up with me, I want to keep going out and hanging out. You are hilarious and like part of our family. I know we all wanted to adopt you. You are an absolute blessing. Lets go to waffle house and whine about boys :)

Charli - C.H.A.R.L.I if i could do the hand signs over the net I would. Your my cousin and I love you! You are a trip, and a beautiful girl. Everyone that see's you falls in love with you instantly. You know a lot more than you let on! Your sharp and adorable. I'm lucky that I will still see you around or I'd have to squeeze your guts out!

Matt - Little did we know what we were in for when we hired you. I learned a lot about you, and you are a very good person. Your running off to the marines soon and I pray that it does in your life, for you, what you wish for yourself. You always make me laugh, and you always make me think. Your a very special person, I'm happy to have you in my life.

Jeremy - The best hire I ever made. I didn't know it at the time. We didn't even get along then as boss and worker. But now you are a permanent, irreplaceable part of my life. If the Well House was for nothing but us meeting you, I'd do it all over again in a heart beat. I love you!

Josh - You are perhaps, hands down the funniest person I've ever met in my life. Ever. Sometimes your cynical sarcastic remarks are the only thing that got me through the hum-drum days of work! I'll miss you like crazy, I love shooting the breeze with you. Making fun of the government and the customers. If you and James ever wanna go out for a cup of joe! You guys just let me know. You stuck with us and I know that me and mama will miss you like crazy. Your sharp and witty but your also sweet and thoughtful. You fixed a lot of things for us without even our asking, you don't know how much things like that mean to us.

James - I wish I had more of a chance to get to know you. I know that we would have gotten along well too. The short times that I've gotten to speak to you have shown me that you have a soft heart and positive personality, and a witty since of humor. I'll miss you too!! It's been a pleasure even this short time.

Caleb - Caleb you are a smile incarnated in a person. You are genuine and an absolute pleasure to know. To this day I'm not sure what made us hire you, but I am so glad we did. Your playful and funny, happy and a wonderful person. You made me laugh so hard my stomach ached. You were never afraid to be who you are and it paid off, we all loved you here, for who you are.

Melisse - I hate to say I never knew much about you until you started working at the coffee shop. To see you a few times a year and never to know what a beautiful person you were. Every time I speak to you I can see we are related. Similar many ways different in other ways, but I love you so much. Be strong and go after your dreams and your desires. Don't let anyone stand in your way. I've talked to you and seen what you do, you deserve to pursue the things that make you happy. Don't be a stranger. Maybe we can go to the flea markets together with mom sometime.

Hollie - Woman! keep in touch with me. I know that I'm hard to get a hold of but you just have to be persistent. I loved talking with you. You are a great person and infinitely interesting to learn about. We were here through some hard stuff with you. And we always want what is best for you. I always have a good time when I'm out with you. Send me a message, lets hit Sammy's for dinner again. You are a blessing Hollie, and I'll always be more than happy to see you.

Mom - You are my best friend, and my inspiration to be a strong woman who has no limits.

David - You help to teach me patience and constantly amaze not only me, but everyone around you with your giving and loving nature. You are so soft, and sweet, and a good person I love you so much. I'm blessed to have you as my brother.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your kind words. I didn't realize when I started that we would become good friends as we have. Must've been the drugs. lol.

melisse said...

sara you are a blessing you are a strong and confident woman good luck and i'll definately be seeing you. i've learned alot from you and renee thanks for the wonderful ride luv u cuz melisse