Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Hot Coffee Dog

And instantly, I have an idea for a short story rattling around in my brain. Like a little rubber ball gathering idea-lint as it rolls around up there. Now I just have to sit back and decide where the idea will go.
The coffee shop, so far has been totally dead, I don't want to jinx myself and get flattened by some moist mob of people trying to get out of the rain. I love it though, I love the quiet and the view of the rain out our front windows. Rain always makes me think, it's forever been one of my favorite symbols. I think it's always had a lot to teach us. Most people now look at the rain and see an inconvenience I see happiness and life. Especially through the drought of last year a lot of us finally came to understand the blessings that the rain represents, without it the land cannot produce, without it we cannot live. On the other side of things too much of it can have equally devastating effects as too little of it. Everything in moderation. It's a necessity to our lives we rarely think about, always just in the background and not really on our minds unless we're cursing it for flattening out our hair then frizzing it up. One of these days I'll have to sit down and actually, coherently, sort out all my thoughts about the rain. I have multiple times in passing mentioned parts of it. I feel like in those fleeting moments I never do a satisfactory job of explaining.
It's really pouring now.
People are jumping puddles to cross the road.
As I reflect on the past month, I see i chose a lot of new roads to take, some things I've looked at traveling down for a long time, other things completely new and exciting. I have to say I'm happy with the way things are headed so far. Sure there have been bumps and other unpleasant turns, but over all, things are looking nice. I just need to throw away my contentment and keep moving forward. That is always the danger to me, becoming complacent with where I am, and sitting, sitting, sitting, not continuing to move forward and pursue my desires deeper and farther. It can't become enough for me to write for myself, I cannot be content with that. I have to move forward, I must advance even farther.

Great God, I Ask Thee for No Meaner Pelf
by Henry David Thoreau

Great God, I ask for no meaner pelf
Than that I may not disappoint myself,
That in my action I may soar as high
As I can now discern with this clear eye.

And next in value, which thy kindness lends,
That I may greatly disappoint my friends,
Howe'er they think or hope that it may be,
They may not dream how thou'st distinguished me.

That my weak hand may equal my firm faith
And my life practice what my tongue saith
That my low conduct may not show
Nor my relenting lines
That I thy purpose did not know
Or overrated thy designs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo wish granted, Short Story! rap that brain wita stick, keep that idea flowin! I wanna reed eet!