Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A little randomness...

How is it possible that a time so full of change seems so boring! Perhaps it is because this time full of change has kept passing me by every time it rolls around. I recently hit 26 and thought to myself, well! Time to clean house! Now's the time for all those changes! Lets move out, Create a writing career, Create a love life I'm happy in. The light is green! go woman, go!
I'm sure you are all familiar with the metaphorical devil and angel that perch on the shoulders of most unsuspecting hosts, and whisper contradicting wishes in each ear. Well I have to say, I am not subject to those pests. Oh, how lucky you are you may say. Oh no, no you see while I may not have a little devil and angel, I have a hyperactive, very small dreaming mouse on one shoulder, hopping and screaming and guzzling red bulls; and on the other shoulder lazing about sits a big fat rat pushing everything off till tomorrow, shifting and yawning getting ever more comfortable in its ghetto-duct tape little nest. The little mouse in its high squeaky voice, is very sure of its unfathomable skill and potential, pressing little tiara's between its little mousey ears. The big fat rat chortles, and snores sure everything will be fine if well enough is left alone. The mouse scribbles down poetry, cooing over the wonder and marvels of the world, while the rat rolls over and grumbles that it doesn't matter "there's no readers anymore, nor anything worth writing about." Everything in life, whether or not we wish it so, is two sided, filled with beautiful flowers, and yellow sticky pollen that makes us itch and sneeze. How can we appreciate the good and beautiful without experiencing the bad and ugly? Perhaps that's what I shall tell myself, a spoon full of sugar, right?


Anonymous said...

You're right...
You're good at what you do and there always be people who appreciate it and people who don't... It shouldn't hold you back, sweetheart! Do it because you love to do it...
:) :) :)

- the one, the only, j0nun

Anonymous said...

The mind is a universe! There is always something to write about...! psh!

- j0nun