Monday, December 17, 2007

A Christmas Time BAH! Humbug.

I'm not really sure what I am here to say. The last few months for me can be accumulated into one word for me "disappointment." The more you try, and the more you get to know the general populace, the more you get let down. After a while you think, "well perhaps its just me." You may call me jaded, or mean but I really don't see that as the case. I know more people than not, give me a hard time for being mean, or cynical. I'm not trying to go out of my way to be a complete ass hole to people I meet, as a matter of fact I usually go out of my way to be nice at first. It just so happens that the majority of people take "nice" as, here please walk all over me with your muddy, athletes foot-stink filled sneakers and ever so kindly rub them in my face before you decide to dismount. Trust me when I say that my day does not comprise of waking up in the morning and scheming of new ways to make each and every person that walks through my general vicinity unhappy; to take candy from small children and send them home crying with a pocket full of fire ants. If this type of thought was on the top of my list I am quite sure I could find better things to be besides half-heartedly "mean" or "rude" why waste my time on the little stuff if this is something I enjoy being. I'm pretty convinced that a rabid gopher could beat me on the asshole scale, I mean, you wont catch me trying to chew your toe off and leave you infected with some disease you have to go get a 4 inch surgical steel needle shoved up your ass a few times to fix, this isn't to say I've never wanted to do that to some of these people. No foul mood a good needle through your most personal areas won't fix right?
I don't mean to rant, but I've just had a bit too much of it lately. I know plenty of the people on the 'walk all over my face please' side of the fence and I've yet to see any sort of karma come into play for them, jump over the wall and serve this so-called justice to the ass-society of America on a cold platter of pwn. I think karma got bored and wandered off to some hypothetical field of daisy's to push them up.
Now don't misunderstand me completely. There are some people I'd rather not see stuffed in the cargo hold of a boat and sunk mid way into the Atlantic. There are a few people here and there I meet that are genuinely nice, or should I say genuinely naive. These kind hearted souls are easily recognized by their shuffling gait and 'I just got beat up by life again' expressions. They seem to blossom out of their fetal position when they find out you are not there to take them for all they are worth. So before you off and call me mean, or cynical think about the sorts of people I have the pleasure of spending my day with. Consider the worst possible scenario and multiply it by 40 and throw in some screaming children playing with smoldering hot coffee pots and you will arrive at my world in a little under 20 minutes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nothing wrong with being a little cynical...i am! imagine if everyone wasnt..everyone would be gullable and everyone would get fooked over all the time :D
it'll be alright sana, don't worry about everyone else :P

- j0nun