Monday, July 9, 2007

If right this moment is the best time to be writing, I'm not really sure. I have a lot on my heart and on my mind. I have been thinking of writing something like this for a couple days, but so many thoughts have piled into me lately. Not happy things, troubling things that I have been trying to understand, trying to understand without the bias or the blinders one has when dealing with personal issues. I suppose I will try anyway, as honestly and as heart felt I can be, this is a prayer.

Help me to listen, and help me to understand.

Help me to be patient and help me to wait on your timing, not my own.

I know that when I try to understand things, and to fix problems my own way, I have a tendency to make choices that seem right to me, but in the great scope of things, are right for no one.

Help me every day, to remember what I have, the great blessings that have been part of my life over these past few years. I don't want to take for granted those small things you send to me, I want to remember every blessing anew every day.

Help me to see through the eyes of others, take away from me, my point of view.

Help me learn to be soft and kind, but remain to be strong and reliable.

Help me to love more and to cry less.

Help me to find those things, in every day that are worth sharing with other people, and help me to forget those things that I am always tempted to complain about.

I desire to be fixed in your ways, to become part of your ordering, to be used, to be useful, to be a positive impact on the people around me.

I want to take things in my life that I have always viewd with resentment (like my job) and find a way to make them good, to do the best I can at all things I am involved in.

Give me the strength and the wisdom to help make my family successful, to make them stable, to make them happy. Give me that same strength to make the people I meet feel a little bit better about their days.

I know that these things are not who I am, but I know that these things are who I want to be.

Help me to doubt less and to trust more.

Give me the personality to make new friends, to meet good friends, both to find support for myself in this life, and to provide support for others. Help me to encourage my friends to be all that they can be, to push them towards their potential, to be a strong hand, a believing hand, and a loving hand.

Broaden my mind, and diminish my pride.

Give me understanding for the things that happen in my life.

Teach me to be the influence I need to be for the people that I love.

The most I pray right now, Help me to love him more and more, Help me to keep my faith in you. Help us to love each other, and bless our lives together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

now you know theres nothing wrong with the way you are! > <;
but i understand if you wish to better yourself. i guess the best way to start is by taking baby steps..
